So the past week has been pretty busy. Work is picking up as we are in crunch time for school to start again. And at the Museum, they will have school programs starting the first of September! Yikes…
Monday, Tuesday were great. Had good work outs and felt pretty good about the week. I passed on Wednesday’s WOD and it was a good thing I did. It was a 12 min AmRap (As Many Reps as Possible) of 50 Double Unders & 5 Burpees, then 50 DU’s and 10 Burpees, and so on. This WOD sort of brought something to my attention that I had been thinking for a while, but couldn’t put it together. How to scale WOD’s and why it is important.
Now I’m not the type of person to just follow blindly through any aspect of my life and I am also not the type of person who wants to take charge all of the time, I like to think I’m someplace in the middle. Well, I feel like my strength and conditioning have much improved over the past year and that is very much the result of the programming/training I have received. Thanks Coaches
I have done very little outside of what I was told, but I’m starting to feel that I can push myself a little harder to get the next level of results that I want.
I have a problem with scaling WOD’s “up” for myself, doing Rx Plus without it being suggested. I don’t want to push in an area I shouldn’t push and end up regretting, or hurting myself because of it. There has to be a safe way to adjust for this and not me just adding weight.
I feel that part of the draw to crossfit is the community atmosphere created and what happens after a WOD that everyone just struggled through. I don’t think anyone will argue that it’s pretty cool to compare times/reps after sweating out a 20 min amrap. It is also much easier to scale a WOD “down” to someone who is less skilled in certain aspects of fitness than others with little knowledge about programming, etc. Everyone knows their limits, even if they don’t, they can begin to find them during the WOD and adjust accordingly if the weight gets too heavy or the rep counts too high.
Back to Wednesday’s WOD. I would not have thought to add burpees to the WOD to scale it up to the next level, 7, 14, 21, etc. That makes sense, but not something I would have done on my own, but something I think would have been helpful as I am weaker at burpees than DU’s and the burpee will build more strength while the DU will build skill.
I guess the point of all of this is I want to be challenged. Bring it on, world.
This post has gone on long enough, I’ll save the weekend antics for another post, maybe tomorrow.
But for now, here is my inspirational picture of the day.
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