Monday, September 19, 2011

09/19/11 Battle to Rx

So I've been awful at this whole blog thing long enough. I'm starting again and this time I've changed my intent of the blog. It's now my WOD diary. I know mst people that read this don't really care but I wanna keep a diary and this is my blog so here goes nthing.

800 m run

5 rounds
12 chest to bar (I did ring rows)
9 squat snatches (75 lbs)
6 HSPU (I actually did 4 rounds, the 5th round I modified and did a push up from a box instead of the wall)

800 m run

Time 28:40


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Thursday, May 5, 2011

5/5/11 - cinco de mayo

Had taco bell for dinner. That counts as celebrating, right?

Started reading brisingr tonight. The 4th book comes out in November!!! Pretty pumped and hope anyone who reads sci fy has checked out this series.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

5/4/11 - May The 4th Be With you

Well today is Star Wars day. Hip HIP, Hooray. Not a real reason to celebrate, but I guess it's kind of cool, kind of like pie day on march 14. Or mole day on umm october 23, I think.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

5/3/11 - die trying

For a second there I thought I was following fiddy cent......I guess I can't bash on vanity plates too much as I have them as well. ASASS 51, really?

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Monday, May 2, 2011

5/2/11 - Mushrooms

It only happens one time a year. And for a short period of time. It's mushroom season. These delicious gobs of fungus grow this time of year in the Midwest and can garner over $50 per pound in the right areas. These shrooms are delicious when soaked in Salt water,dropped in eggs and rolled in a flour and seasoning mixture that only I know. You then Deep fry them in a skillet with some cooking oil and butter. It's an amazing thing and everyone should try them.

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

5/1/11 - Game Of Thrones

So my Favorite show right now is based on a book by Geore RR Martin. It's called Game of thrones and the series is not even complete. I really hope that HBO picks up the next book for next season.

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Saturday, April 30, 2011

4/30/11 - workin on the weekend

Blah. This summer is going to be busy. I have two big projects due in august. That kills my summer weekends. :(

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Friday, April 29, 2011

4/29/11 - 100k

Well it's official. I drive way too much. 100,000 miles on my 2007 explorer. I got it in December of 2007.
Those doing the math. That's around 30k a year.

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

4/28/2011 - Absolutely Zero

So lately, I've been on a kick and need some pick me up in the mornings....I have found that this Monster tastes, decent. It also has zero calories, but a bunch of stuff I can't pronounce. You know what, it's better tasting than coffee, so I'll just go with it for now.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

4/27/2011 - Busy Day

So I spent most of the day up in the "war room" putting a bid together only to get beat by less than $10,000 on a $4 million project. :(

Well we will gear up tomorrow and go after a $14 Million Dollar School.....

Wish us luck!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

4/26/11 - sleep it up

The moldy taco strikes again

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Monday, April 25, 2011

4/25/11 - game of Thrones

I'm dying to watch this weeks episode. Pretty awesome show on hbo. Everyone should check it out.

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

4/24/2011 - HOT

I don't think much explaining needs to happen.

"why don't you not bite my head off"

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

4/23/11 - Cardinal Nation

So, I was driving back to Quincy today and couldn't remember the radio station affiliate of the cardinals in Jacksonville. Well I found this sweet ass map. Cardinal nation is huge and this map is awesome.

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

4/21/11 - wet saw

Well. Over my break from blogging we had an incident on one of my job sites. We had a teacher call OSHA for dust blowing on the playground. Well OSHA only found the one item and did a test. We haven't gotten the results back but fortunately he didn't find anything else on the site to site us with.

So now we stuck him in this area.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

4/20/11 - turkey hunting

Went turkey hunting this morning. It was fun. However we heard lots of gobbling early, then nothing. After about an hour and a half of hearing nothing we decide to give it another hour. Well out of the corner of the field about 40 yards from us, three coyotes come sprinting out of the woods and are heading for the decoys. Well they realize they aren't and turn and sprint away.

Brought my spirits down and that's all she wrote. Game over. Wildlife 1 Adam 0

But all was not lost.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

04/19/11 - gas

So this happened.

I'd hate to live on a coast. I think I'd have to reevaluate what I'm driving.

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Monday, April 18, 2011

04/18/2011 - gone fishing

No I haven't been fishing the entire month that ive taken off, but we did go yesterday.

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Location:Heartland Dr,Bloomington,United States

Friday, March 4, 2011

3/3/11 - Dr. MLK school

We are making some serious progress.

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3/2/11 - business as usual

Well my work computer shit out on me. Great. Couldn't be a worse time for this to happen.

And of course we don't have an extra one to use. I've ordered one, but it won't be here until tomorrow and then we don't know what time.


On a positive note.

Ebs still cares.

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3/1/11 - March

Breakfast of champions.

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2/28/11 - Crane

So today they had to adjust the crane arm to reach to the other side of the building.

This was a pretty slick process I had never seen before.

As opposed to going straight out, it has a bend in it which allows for it to reach further away without going as far in the air.

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2/27/11 - day of rest

What a strange tower.

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2/26/11 - snow

Well it snowed last night. I that's the last snow we get this year.

I am ready for spring.

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2/25/11 - Friday.

Today we finished the second floor on The Flats! Which is an awesome thing. We are going to start rolling now.

Yup we are starting to make progress. And we are told that the entire place is now leased for August move in. Ruh roh. I guess the $2000/day penalty for every day we are late is going to kick in if we don't finish on time.

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2/24/11 - flag day in Mexico.

Why is flag day in Mexico on my calendar? I don't understand.

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2/23/11 - Hump Day

Well, today is hump day. We have figured out that Julie is really goodnat cooking in a 9x13. Yup. It's delicious.

And yes that lemon is for my vodka.

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2/22/11 - twos

Lots of twos in today's date.

Yup, I'm playing Smurfs on the iPad, well Julie and I are playing. We have a nice little village growing and because it's notnfacebook everyone doesn't have to hear that we are running low on Smurftastic potion. Or smurfberries.

Those smurfberries cost real money to buy. What the hell is that?? Ridiculous I say. We will just save up because we get some for leveling up.

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Friday, February 25, 2011

02/21/11 - Presidents Day

While the rest of the World was celebrating the birth of dead presidents I was working. I don't understand quite why it's a national holiday, but it helps I suppose.
Either way, today is my mothers birthday and unfortunately we weren't able to drive back to celebrate so we sent flowers and our best wishes.

Happy Presid......Birthday mom.

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2/20/11 - Sunday Sunday Sunday

I'm sick of the cold weather and ready for so ring to be here. I am not however ready for slush/soupy back yard and thus muddy dog paws. :(

I found this shot interesting because her paws are clean. Almost a calm before the storm.

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02/15/11 - 02/19/11 - work work work

So I've been capturing pictures every day. I just haven't had a chance to get them posted. Missing a week of work shouldn't set me back this far, but it has. I finally feel caught up.

I have two projects going on right mow. Both with similar schedules. The first is an 88 unit apartment complex with retail on the first floor. This is going in Normal, Il and bringing a Meatheads (burgers) and Chipotle. I like both places so it's a plus.
However starting a project in november that has to be done by Aug. 1 has created some issues. We have a very tight schedule and mother nature is not doing us any favors.

My other project is a 17,000 sf gymnasium addition and renovation project for Dr MLK elementary school in Urbana, Il. Just like the apartments it has an Aug 1 completion date. Fortunately we were able to get an earlier start on this one and are a little further along with the addition. The worst part is going to be the entire new HVAC system that we are retrofitting to the existing building. The gym is going to be very nice and serve the surrounding community as well as the school.
We need mother nature to cooperate on this one too so we can continue laying block and brick and get the roof on.

Sorry about the shit quality of these, my phone lens got scratched and my battery was dead on my digital camera and I couldn't find the charger all week. :(

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Monday, February 21, 2011

02/14/11 - Saint Valentine was a martyr

So, back to the roots of my blog. Burns my Sass.

So, this holiday made up by Hallmark and friends, has been a thorn in mens sides since it's inception as a holiday. Pope Paul VI deleted it from the ro,an calendar in 1969 due to it's lack of validity.

Anyway, it's a silly holiday and I'm going to be sending flowers on random days throughout the year when I feel like it, not because "Saint Valentine" thinks I should.

Did anyone do anything exciting?

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02/13/11 - A day of Rest

Even the dogs rested on Sunday.

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02/12/11 - back to the grind

Back to work today. :(

But on a lighter note I am not THAT far behind.

Slowly but surely getting taller.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

02/11/11 - trip home

Well it's Friday and we need to head home. :(

On our way back we decide to take a few detours.

Well, we decided to go to west Virginia on the way home. As it turns out there are lots of cool things to see in WV. Well maybe not lots, but one really cool thing.

Yup, Chips from a dog dish at a Mexican place in WV.

Yeah I'm kidding. The real draw wasn't this.

Yup. The worlds longest single span bridge.

It was awesome, I suppose it still is awesome.

This bridge is hard to see how big it is from the pictures but i can ensure to you that it is huge.

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