So I've been capturing pictures every day. I just haven't had a chance to get them posted. Missing a week of work shouldn't set me back this far, but it has. I finally feel caught up.
I have two projects going on right mow. Both with similar schedules. The first is an 88 unit apartment complex with retail on the first floor. This is going in Normal, Il and bringing a Meatheads (burgers) and Chipotle. I like both places so it's a plus.
However starting a project in november that has to be done by Aug. 1 has created some issues. We have a very tight schedule and mother nature is not doing us any favors.
My other project is a 17,000 sf gymnasium addition and renovation project for Dr MLK elementary school in Urbana, Il. Just like the apartments it has an Aug 1 completion date. Fortunately we were able to get an earlier start on this one and are a little further along with the addition. The worst part is going to be the entire new HVAC system that we are retrofitting to the existing building. The gym is going to be very nice and serve the surrounding community as well as the school.
We need mother nature to cooperate on this one too so we can continue laying block and brick and get the roof on.
Sorry about the shit quality of these, my phone lens got scratched and my battery was dead on my digital camera and I couldn't find the charger all week. :(
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad